East Africa’s first indigenous Deep Water Marine Fisheries Company
The Somali upwelling current passes through the EEZ of the East African countries of Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania, leading to some of the world’s richest waters from a marine fisheries point of view.
This fact is underlined by the fact that artisanal marine fisheries contribute about 60,000 jobs in Tanzania, 13,000 in Kenya and an estimated 4,000 jobs in Somalia.
However, in Pweza’s opinion, this is a fraction of the potential in Fisheries along the East African coast.
Pweza was established to go beyond the territorial waters of the East African countries of Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania using indigenous entrepreneurs and where possible local skills. This was informed by the low level of exploitation of the respective EEZ in those East African countries. In the instances where fishing takes place, it is done by distant fishing nations with no landing or value adds in the East African countries. Thus the economic contribution to those countries is almost Zero.
Pweza’s strategy has revolved around forging the right types of international partnerships, optimum financing and cordial working relations with the host governments
Pweza 's fleet consists of longliners and Stern Trawlers. We deploy most evironmentally sustainable catching methods to ensure continued health of the marine eco-system that we benefit from. To this end, we have been active in supporting the Kenyan Authorities determine the sustainable Total Allowable Catch within Kenya's EEZ
Our two main markets are domestic in Kenya and the EU. All our vessels are certified to catch for export to the EU with all the requisite certification. among the species we export to the EU are Swordfish, Dorado, Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna and Marlins.
Kayvee Towers, 2nd Floor, General Mathenge Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@pweza.com
Office: +254 20 2734186